Hart-Hammer, Inc. is a commercial HVAC manufacturers’ representative company in Iowa, started by Pat Hart in 1967. Initially called Hart Division of Schwab-Vollhaber-Lubratt (SVL), a company based out of Minneapolis. In 1968 Pat & Curt Hammer joined forces to become the Hart-Hammer Division of SVL. In 1985, Pat & Curt separated from SVL to be on their own as Hart-Hammer, Inc, covering the majority of territories in Iowa. Also in 1985, Al Jorgensen was hired and a branch was opened in the Quad-Cities area, covering the Eastern Iowa tier of counties and Western Illinois.
H-H, Inc. of Iowa, our affiliated service company was started in 1988 by Dennis Hubert.
Curt Hammer passed away in 1987 and Pat Hart passed away in 2018.
Kevin Hart and Jeff Hammer have succeeded their fathers: Kevin now being the President and Jeff being Vice-President. Dennis Hubert has since retired and his son, Kevin Hubert, is now the President of H-H, Inc. of Iowa.
Hart-Hammer Inc. is proud of its strong family ties & history. Through the years the company has grown in personnel and in the manufacturing lines we represent. Our team consists of Sales Engineers & industry experts who are committed to serving our customers with premier equipment, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. We thank you for all your past business and look forward to building more relationships with you in the future.